The Manifesto….
RAP Network stands for Revival Apostolic n Prophetic Network. As a Network, we aspire to create a platform to promote tomorrow’s apostles, prophets and leaders to fulfil their divine mandate by using our divine provisions, potential and positions.
We strongly believe in divine networking with kingdom minded people. Our focus is to establish His kingdom, demolish demonic strongholds and unite the Body of Christ to serve one another with love.
The Mission….
Rev Dr Joshua Paul is on a mission to mobilize an army of trained and skilled ministry personnel to the frontlines of the mission field. His multi-faceted ministry includes evangelising the lost; enlisting an army, equipping the saints for works of ministry and empowering them to preach, heal and deliver.
He strongly believes in raising the ‘Next Generation Leaders’ by teaching and training them in the Word of God. He teaches on a wide spectrum of subjects. Some of them are:
a. Being a cutting edge Market Place Apostolic and Prophetic Voice to this generation
b. Developing and Mentoring Prophetic People
c. Prophetic Praise and Worship
d. Art of Prayer and Intercession
e. Spiritual Warfare
f. Operation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
g. Developing the fruit of the Holy Spirit
h. Deliverance and Healing Ministry.
i. Ministry Calling and Five fold Ministry
Deliverance and Healing Ministry:
He insists that every believers should receive complete healing and deliverance in the spirit, soul and body (I Thess 5:23). While ministering through the Holy Spirit people are delivered from witchcraft, ancestral curses, hereditary illness, psychological disorders, emotional bondages, ungodly soul ties, etc.
Various kinds of diseases and sickness are miraculously healed through the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hundreds of people experience a powerful encounter with our Saviour Jesus Christ that culminates to a turning point in their lives.
Intercessory Prayer Army:
God has commissioned Pastor Joshua Paul to raise an aggressive, dynamic and a militant army of ‘Mighty Intercessors’. God has given him a vision and a mission of raising at least One hundred thousand Intercessors for a global awakening. He agrees with Walter Wink who said, “History belongs to the Intercessors”. He asserts that the destiny of the nations is in the hands of the Intercessors. Intercessory Prayer Army aims to demolish demonic dominions and establish God’s Kingdom on planet Earth.
PRAYER WARRIORS: Join thousands of Prayer warriors and Intercessors? Are you ready to pray for someone who is going through pain? You can be a blessing to someone today by registering online!
Can you play an active role in sharing the Gospel to the ends of the earth? You can be taught and trained to reach out to the LOST effectively and efficiently?
Become a Covenant Partner today to receive a Prophet’s Reward!
Rev. Dr. Joshua Paul,Mobile: +91 9980 777277
Present Publications:
1. Come Holy Spirit, a prophetic praise and worship album in English, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada.
2. Faith Confession a Day keeps the devil away is available in English, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada.
3. Weapons of Warfare, a prophetic insight on modern spiritual warfare. (This book will be soon be available in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada)
Future Publications:
1. Four Steps to Fruitful Life – A small booklet full of revelation knowledge, which teaches you how you can meditate on God’s Word and be successful and prosperous on daily basis.
2. Every Believers Guide to Deliverance Ministry – A self help guide to identify, expose, expel and to stay free from demons in day to day life.
3. Maximising your Prayer anointing – a prophetic teaching on how to pray result oriented and Bible based prayer and how not to pray!
4. You can receive POWER!!! – how every believer can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and what are the blessings you receive by speaking in tongues daily.
5. How to apply the Blood of Jesus!
6. Power of Faith’s Confession!
7. Worship with the Blood – anointed audio album to listen to daily and be covered with the precious blood of Jesus!